Intended Audience Guidance

In order to support you in using this Directory, audience groups have been created.  This means a particular resource will be beneficial to an intended audience group as shown below.  In some instances the information may be only relevant for a particular role. e.g. Link Workers.


The Intended Audience Group definitions are as follows:

  • Group 1: All adults and young people living in Bedfordshire, Luton or Milton Keynes; unpaid carers (family, friends); volunteers and personal assistants.


  • Group 2: Front line registered and unregistered staff in all health (NHS, community and primary care) and social care environments, secondary care including health improvement personnel, nursing, practitioners, pharmacists, link workers, care coordinators, health and wellbeing coaches, social workers, patient engagement, volunteers and personal assistants of care.  All care roles providing a care provision or working with people, families and communities.


  • Group 3: All local authorities, health and well-being boards, clinical commissioning groups whose staff are involved in strategic planning and commissioning of personalised care in the BLMK footprint.