BLMK Fuller Programme

BLMK Fuller Programme

In November 2021, Amanda Pritchard (then CEO of NHS England and Improvement) asked Dr Claire Fuller (then CEO designate Surrey Heartlands ICS and GP) to undertake a stocktake to look at how emerging Integrated Care Systems could implement the primary care, out of hospital care and prevention ambitions in the NHS Long Term Plan. 

Over the following months, Dr Fuller engaged with a wide variety of stakeholders, conducted surveys, held task and finish groups and sought opinions through a website that was set up specifically for this purpose. Then, in May 2022, the report titled: Next steps for integrating primary care: Fuller stocktake report was published.

The Fuller Stocktake Report considered:

  1. How Integrated Care Systems can drive more integrated primary, community and social care services at a local level
  2. Practical advice on how services should develop with next steps towards that vision
  3. What is needed for Integrated Care Systems to support and enable Primary Care Networks and practices to work with other parts of the health system

The Outcomes of the Work:

What emerged was a consensus.  What is not working is access and continuity, with frustrations shared by both patients and staff alike. What also emerged was a consensus on what we can do differently. This consensus was shared by all ICS CEOs and led to a letter of commitment to the stocktake vision signed by all parties.

The consensus centered around four ‘pillars’ which are:

  1. Develop neighbourhood working aligned to local communities
  2. Streamlined and flexible access for people who require same day primary care
  3. Proactive and personalised care for people with complex needs and co-morbidities
  4. An ambitious, joined up approach to prevention

BLMK ICB is working to deliver these four pillars. We will be updating this area in the following months with information on each pillar. Click on each button below to find out about what we’re doing.