Integrated Neighbourhood Working

Integrated Neighbourhood Working

Integrated Neighbourhood Working is the approach being used to bring together teams from across different and diverse organisations to wrap the right care and support around residents within their neighbourhoods.

Integrated neighbourhood working is being rolled out differently across the four places and 19 neighbourhoods in BLMK – the approach being taken is organic and based on the demonstrated need and priorities in each neighbourhood.

All of the evidence describes that central to neighbourhood working is relationships and trust amongst professionals and communities which takes time to develop.

The BLMK ICB Training Hub Team are looking to collate examples of integrated Neighbourhood working across Primary Care and will be sharing these examples here. If you are working on a project and would like to share please submit your project using this form –

The team are also in the process of recording a podcast series to help promote and educate people on INW across BLMK. Helen and Jay are the hosts and will be releasing the first episode at the end of August. If you would like to be involved or possibly interviewed then please get in touch with Jay or Helen