Care Leavers Opportunities
Care Leavers Wanted.
Below is a selection of opportunities committed to providing dedicated and continuing support for care experienced young people.
What options are there for me?
Support for Care Leavers with apprenticeships and employment.
We have many different options within the Care Leaver Covenant! From job opportunities to special experiences.
There are university and college based Opportunities and Career Opportunities which can be filtered down into types, such as Paid and Mentoring. Fine-tuning further in to the sectors you are interested in, for example Construction, Digital & Tech. You can also select opportunities in your area.
How do I sign up to access opportunities?
Please sign up to our care leaver community, Connects here. Connects will keep you informed about all the new and upcoming opportunities at The Covenant.
Place teams Local Offers for Care Leavers in accordance with Section 2 of the Children and Social Work Act 2017
Central Bedfordshire Local Offer.
Luton Borough Council Local Offer.
Central Bedfordshire Council – Adult Social Care Roles
Adult social care is about helping adults who are having problems with their physical health and helping vulnerable adults within our community. Carers provide a level of care and support that allows those who require varying levels of assistance to live their lives in a supported and enhanced way.
Within our own Central Bedfordshire community there are over 7000 people employed in health and care roles and with a growing and ageing population, this is set to increase. Deciding on a career in adult social care will offer many rewarding opportunities and can lead to a long and fulfilling career, unfortunately, some myths do exist around what a career in this area will be like and these myths can sometimes distract from all of the positive experiences you could have within this career.
More information available here: How to get a career in adult social care | Central Bedfordshire Council
Bedfordshire Employment and Skills Academy (BESA)
Bedfordshire Employment and Skills Academy (BESA) and our partner training providers can support you to access education and training to build skills that will improve employability, support career opportunities, and enhance wellbeing.
BESA delivers a range of short courses, qualifications, apprenticeships and employability support.
More information available here: Bedfordshire Employment and Skills Academy | Central Bedfordshire Council