Emotional wellbeing

BLMK: Compassionate conversations

The hub has developed a programme to support our BLMK colleagues in having safe & effective wellbeing conversations. Request access to the recording and supporting documents at any time: https://bit.ly/3oiBjks and receive a certificate of completion.

ShinyMind App

The ShinyMind app is available to all the BLMK Workforce for free. Find out more.

Affina Team Journey: team development offer

An exciting opportunity for a team in your organisation!

The Affina Team Journey is a team assessment and development tool designed to support teams and their leaders identify areas they wish to develop to enhance performance and joy at work .

The Team Journey is a 10-stage online toolkit supported by BLMK colleagues who are Affina facilitation trained and working towards accreditation. Starting with confidential online individual assessments , the process usually takes around 4-6 months ( working at your own pace) and covers areas such as

  1. Team structure: What are our objectives as a team? Are our roles clear?
  2. Processes: How effective is our communication as a team and do we have constructive debate and decision making ?
  3. Interpersonal behaviours: How do we gel as an effective team with psychologically safe space to constructively challenge each other ?

Supported by the inhouse facilitator , teams work together through the confidential assessment feedback to discuss areas for improvement and possible new ways of working. Evidence suggests that teams who have been through the Team Journey see increased capacity, remain engaged , achieve goals and benefit from a higher level of team spirit.

Whether newly formed or well established, your teams will benefit from team development to enhance or sustain performance , even if they are already working well together.

We invite you to encourage a team within your organisation to take up this offer and will happily work with you to identify one such team .

“Team based working is a philosophy or attitude about the way in which organisations work- where key decisions are made by teams of people rather than individuals”. (Professor Michael West ). You can find a link to Professor West speaking about the importance of team working here  Why Teams? – AOD (affinaod.com)

If you would like to express interest in this enlightening opportunity , then please email me  janet.thornley@nhs.net and I will be happy to meet and discuss further.

Take a look at the offer here: Affina Team Journey (8)

Other apps & websites

Heads Up: Helping men stay happy

Mind Your Head: range of info & resources to support & enhance your mental & emotional wellbeing. www.mindingyourhead.info

Mind BLMK: Mind BLMK – For better mental health (mind-blmk.org.uk)

Headspace: provides mindfulness and mediation tools. Free for NHS staff. www.headspace.com/nhs


Education and Training

Provider: eLearning for Healthcare

Access here: HEE elfh Hub (e-lfh.org.uk) Go through the catalogue and enrol on the desired course.

  • Dealing with Difficult Conversations
  • Administrative triage using digital tools in General Practice
  • Communicating with Empathy
  • Microsoft 365 Overview
  • Microsoft Teams Training