What We Do

What We Do

The BLMK Training Hub exists to support the Primary Care Workforce to identify, translate, implement, deliver and evaluate workforce transformation initiatives and offers support in the areas of workforce planning, attraction and recruitment practices, embedding and on-boarding and identifying training needs.

Our Vision

Our vision is an empowered Primary Care workforce who demonstrate strong and compassionate leadership and work as one team for the collective benefit of all. Our workforce feel motivated and valued, and that BLMK is the best place to work and learn.

Please see below video from Health Education East of England vision for the evolving Primary Care Workforce

Our Governance:

For information about our overall governance, please visit the BLMK ICB website here

Our Values:

  • Transformative
  • Inclusive
  • Equitable
  • Transparent

Our Operating Principles:

  • All places or funding will be allocated on a capitated fair shares basis across BLMK, subject to meeting the criteria of the programme or initiative
  • We will maximise all opportunities for MDT training
  • Backfill will be considered to support training or development when it is outside the expectation of their role and over and above normal personal development (subject to availability of funding)
  • Follow up and feedback will be provided following unsuccessful applications
  • Unsuccessful applicants will be supported with their next application