System Leadership Resources
System Leadership Resources
From April 2021 all parts of our health and care system are now working together as Integrated Care Systems (ICS), involving:
- Stronger partnerships in local places between the NHS, local government and others with a more central role for primary care in providing joined-up care;
- Provider organisations being asked to step forward in formal collaborative arrangements that allow them to operate at scale; and
- Developing strategic commissioning through systems with a focus on population health outcomes;
- The use of digital and data to drive system working, connect health and care providers, improve outcomes and put the citizen at the heart of their own care.
Many crucial features of strong system working, such as collaborative working arrangements, developing trust between partners, good leadership and effective ways of working is already being demonstrated by leaders across the East of England. With proposed legislation changes systems will increasingly have an important role in developing multidisciplinary leadership and talent at all levels, valuing diversity and developing a workforce and leadership which is representative of the population it serves.
In response to local need we have developed a suite of priority offers. Click here to access these offers.
Our wide range of programmes are available to our stakeholders working in Integrated Care Systems. This includes health and care professionals who work in various services including primary and secondary care, community settings, local authorities, voluntary and community and the social enterprise sector.