BLMK AHP Faculty









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The Bedford, Luton and Milton Keynes (BLMK) Allied Health Professions (AHP) Faculty is a group of health, social care, private, independent, voluntary organisations (PIVO), education and training providers and arms lengths bodies (ALB) that formally work together across the BLMK Integrated Care System (ICS) to support and deliver system wide working wherever AHPs are to be found.

The AHP Faculty works collaboratively to ensure all AHP professionals continue to thrive and grow by coordinating a sustainable and joined up delivery model of the priorities in the long term plan that emphasises the need to ensure enough staff are available to meet demand. We do this by coordinating workforce activity through partnerships and projects across to support important aspects of Allied Health Professionals’ career journeys:

  • Retention, recruitment and return to practice
  • Career development and sustainable workforce growth
  • Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity in our AHP workforce
  • Quality practice based learning and education of qualified and non-qualified AHP


Click on the video below to watch “What is an AHP Faculty?


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