Trade Unions


This link is the UNISON website for workers in health care professions.

To join the UNISON details can be found here

Get help now:  Unison Direct: 0800 0 857 857

UNISON provides support, advice and representation to workers from a range of health care professions which include nurses and health care assistants, midwives, ambulance staff, admin workers and a whole range of other health care professions.  Providing:

1. Advice, support and help when you need it at work

We have a network of trained local advisors and negotiators who will provide you with help at work when you need it most, as well as professional legal advisors and experts when appropriate.

2. Legal services for you at work and your family at home

Our legal support includes free help with most work problems that you may have. This can either be from our specialist in-house lawyers and a team of trade union solicitors that are on hand to help, or by local union reps, branches and officers in the UK. But our help doesn’t just stop when you leave work. We offer free initial legal advice on any matter not related to work, plus a range of other legal help for you and your family. To be eligible for our legal assistance scheme you must have been a member for at least four weeks prior to the incident that led you to seek this help. You must also be up to date with your subscriptions. Legal help is provided at the discretion of the union’s national executive council. Find out more.

3. Financial assistance and debt advice in times of need

We’re here for you when you need us most. Our confidential service (and registered charity) There for You, is your safety net when times get tough. We can help with sorting out finances and advise on benefits. We offer grants to help with household bills, ease debts or help with the cost of a much needed break. To be eligible for our financial assistance scheme you must have been a member for at least four weeks prior to the incident that led you to seek this help

4. Helpline open until midnight

In these uncertain times it’s easy to lose sleep over job security. But don’t lie awake worrying, our helpline is open from 6am to midnight Monday to Friday, and 9am to 4pm on Saturdays closed on Sunday. Your call will be dealt with by a professional who will ensure that the person who can best help will ring you back at a time that is convenient for you.

5. Compensation for accidents and injuries at work

If the unexpected happens you can count on our support. If you have an accident or are injured at work our specialist lawyers are there to help when appropriate. You are covered for things like assault, accidents, industrial diseases and accidents on your way to or from work. Our experts have got you covered and will do their best to get compensation for you.

6. Member discounts – including up to 50% off holidays

Join today and you’ll have access to a wide range of exclusive member discounts and offers which could save you up to £250 – more than the cost of your membership. Savings on holidays through the UNISON travel club, plus discounts on home, car, pet and travel insurance, dental and health plans, cashback on mortgages all add up to a great deal for UNISON members.

7. Education, training and support

Whatever work you do, we are here to help you learn more – whether you are facing change at work, want to develop your career or want to learn something new for your own benefit. UNISON offers a range of courses and short workshops that are free to members, so whether it’s brushing up on computer skills, professional development or finding out more about the union, learning through UNISON can help you develop your confidence, skills and knowledge.


List of regional offices

Luton and Milton Keynes local office can be contacted on 01582 726122

Bedford and Northampton local office can be contacted on 01604 622097

Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP)

The CSP is the UK’s only professional, educational and trade union body for people working in or studying physiotherapy

It represents, protects and lead for its 57,000 members. Membership includes PLI cover, workplace support, CPD and professional tools.

Together it promotes the physiotherapy profession and assert collective influence. CSP demonstrate how knowledge and skills can transform lives and empower people to live long and live well.  Through communities and networks members get access to a vast body of knowledge.

Just a few reasons why 90% of registered physiotherapists join the CSP

Joining CSP

CSP Benefits

Royal College of Nursing (RCN)

Following link to the RCN website provides information including membership and benefits


The Trade union’s website outlines details including contact points and membership details

British Dental Association (BDA)

The BDA is the Professional Association and Trade Union for Dentists in the United Kingdom. More information is available on the BDA website.  The main contact number is 0207 935 0875 E:

British Dietetic Association (BDA)

The BDA is the only body in the UK representing the whole of the dietetic workforce. It is a trade union and professional body representing the professional, educational, public and workplace interests for its members. Founded in 1936, it is one of the oldest and most experienced dietetic organisations in the world. More details can be found here. Tel: 0121 200 8080 General BDA enquiries:

British Medical Association (BMA)

The BMA is the Trade Union and professional body for Doctors in the United Kingdom. The BMA provides legal advice regarding an employment tribunal. It provides individual and collective representation. More information is available at the BMA website. Main switchboard number at BMA House in Tavistock Square is 020 7387 4499

Society of Chiropodists and podiatrists (SOCP)

The Society is an independent trade union listed with the Government’s Certification Officer and subject to all aspects of industrial relations legislation. It enjoys the broad legal protection afforded to trades unions under law and, together with around a dozen other unions are listed on a special register, which enables the organisation to enjoy additional special privileges in respect of election of officials. This is simply in recognition of its dual status as a professional organisation and a trade union.

More information is available here

British Orthoptic Society Trade Union (BIOS (TU))

Founded in 1937 the BIOS is a professional and educational body for the UK and Republic of Ireland representing Orthoptists. A registered charity and company limited by guarantee, members mostly live and work in the British Isles.

More information is available on the website   General enquiries 0203 853 9707 E: