Smarter Working

The NHS England’s Five Year Forward View sets out a clear direction for the NHS, showing why change is needed and what it will look like. Delivering the vision contained within the report will require the input of the NHS, local communities, local authorities and employers.

The plan was developed with the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) and Health Education England (HEE) and contains over 80 specific, practical and funded steps to:

  • channel investment
  • grow and develop the workforce
  • streamline the workload
  • improve infrastructure
  • and support practices to redesign their services to patients

Across BLMK developments are being made to implement some of the new ways of working as detailed within the plan, the Smarter Working area will provide an outline of existing initiatives within BLMK and our aims to provide further support to ensure the sustainability of General Practice.

Take a look

The Kings Fund have produced a report that takes a closer look at innovative models of general practice from the UK and other countries. The report identifies key design features believed to be important in designing effective GP services in the future. Read the full report here.


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