Training Hub SharePoint Site Acceptable Use Policy

What is the BLMK Primary Care Training Hub Microsoft Teams and SharePoint Site?

The BLMK Primary Care Training Hub Microsoft Teams and SharePoint Site (hereafter referred to as ‘the Teams site’) is a team on the application Microsoft Teams which is connected to SharePoint. It is a ‘one stop’ repository for primary care, dental, pharmacy and optometry staff members to access training and development opportunities as well as any information pertaining to workforce support and development.

Please read through the information below which you will need to agree to when signing up to the site. If you have any questions, please contact the Training Hub at:

You can sign up for access to the SharePoint site here: 

Who has access to the site?

The following groups of staff will be able to request access to the site:
  • All staff working in Primary Care in Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes including: GPs, GP Nurses, Nursing Associates, Administration Staff, Practice Managers, Personalised Care Roles, Allied Health Professionals
  • All dental, optometry and pharmacy staff working in the NHS in Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes
  • Staff working in the Urgent Out of Hours services in BLMK
  • The BLMK Primary Care Training Hub Team including the clinical leads, project managers and support staff
  • Primary Care Team Staff Members working in the ICB including the primary care development managers

What is the purpose of the site?

The Teams site has been designed to be used by the Primary Care Training Hub as well as all staff who work in Primary Care, dentistry, pharmacy and optometry within Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes. The main purpose of the site is to have one place for all training and development opportunities to be advertised and accessible to our Primary Care, dental, pharmacy and optometry staff.

The other purposes of the site are:

  • Peer Support: to have a place where primary care, dental, pharmacy and optometry staff members can link in with other staff members working in primary care across BLMK to share learning and resources
  • One location for information: to have one, central location where primary care, dental, pharmacy and optometry staff members can view the training and development offers available to them, book onto the training or access the support, provide feedback after the training and obtain certificates for training attendance
  • Communication with the Training Hub: to facilitate communication between the Primary Care Training Hub and primary care, dental, pharmacy and optometry staff members

What information will be posted?

This Teams site will be used only for staff development opportunities and therefore, the following information will be posted on the Teams site:
  • Educational sessions available to primary care, dental, pharmacy and optometry staff members including both clinical and non-clinical training topics. This could be through a link to book onto these sessions or through the uploading of recordings of educational sessions.
  • Career development opportunities such as details of how to access the nursing associate apprenticeship or Fellowship opportunities.
  • Leadership development opportunities such as any offers which come through directly from the Training Hub or from the NHS Leadership Academy as well as from the system such as Leading Beyond Boundaries.
  • PCN development opportunities such as offers of bespoke training sessions for staff members to facilitate PCN working.
  • Health and wellbeing offers which are developed either by the training hub or through other organisations such as NHS England or the BLMK ICB.
  • Workforce development information such as updates from Health Education England or NHS England around the Roadmaps for First Contact Practitioners.

What information won’t be posted?

The BLMK Primary Care Training Hub team is responsible for:
  • Adding new members to the team after verifying that they are a primary care, dental, pharmacy or optometry staff member working in the NHS in Bedfordshire, Luton or Milton Keynes
  • Creating new channels for programmes or staff groups
  • Ensuring that the site is kept up to date with current training and development offers
  • Responding to any requests or queries which are directed to the Training Hub in the channel conversations via the use of the @ function
  • Removing users from the site if they are found to be using the site in an inappropriate manner (see user responsibilities below)
  • Remove offensive content as quickly as possible
  • Correct any misleading or false content as quickly as possible
  • Respond only during office hours (9am to 5pm

The BLMK Primary Care Training Hub team is not responsible for:

  • Checking the accuracy of information that users of the site post into the channel chats

User Responsibilities

Users must not:
  • Create or transmit material that might be defamatory or incur liability for the BLMK ICB.
    Post messages, status updates or links to material or content that is inappropriate.

    • Inappropriate content includes: pornography, racial or religious slurs, gender-specific comments, information encouraging criminal skills or terrorism, or materials relating to cults, gambling or illegal drugs.
    • This definition of inappropriate content or material also covers any text, images or other media that could reasonably offend someone on the basis of race, age, sex, religious or political belief, national origin, disability, sexual orientation or any other characteristic protected by law.
  • Use the Microsoft Teams and SharePoint site for any illegal or criminal activities.
  • Send offensive or harassing material to others via the Microsoft Teams and SharePoint site.
  • Broadcast unsolicited views on social, political, religious or other non-business related matters.
  • Use the Microsoft Teams and SharePoint site for advertising or endorsement purposes.
  • Send or post messages or material that could damage BLMK ICB’s image or reputation.
  • Discuss colleagues, service users or suppliers without their approval.
  • Post, upload, forward or link spam, junk email, chain emails and messages.

Users must:

  • Be respectful, polite and patient, when engaging in conversations. Please remember the BLMK ICB values at all times (trust, respect, integrity, accountability, care and compassion)
  • Not speak on matters outside their field of expertise.
  • Not post discriminatory, offensive or libellous content and commentary.
  • Continue to adhere to the NHS policy for appropriate use of Microsoft software and devices
  • Can only sign up and use the site with an account

If a user does not comply with the above, the BLMK Primary Care Training Hub reserves the right to revoke their access to the site with immediate effect. We also reserve the right to inform your line manager of any inappropriate use of the site. In some instances, depending on the severity of the transgression, we may report this to your professional body.