MK Talking Therapies IAPT: Free Winter Wellbeing Webinars
There are a series of free “winter wellbeing” webinars/event from now until the end of March for the residents of and people who work in Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes.
Please complete the online form and specify which webinar you would like to attend in the referral information. You will be contacted, usually by email, to complete some questionnaires prior to the webinar. Joining instructions will be sent to you upon receipt of the questionnaires, usually the day before the webinar begins.
You can watch all of the workshops on a computer, laptop or your mobile phone. The workshops will take the form of presentations with slides. You only need to watch and listen and no-one will be able to see you.
To register please click here to view the various events. Booking details are below which are accessible via the website.
Booking Information for Luton
You can book through our website by completing an online form or find out more about other workshops by calling 0300 555 4152 to talk to our team about how we can support you. Our workshops can help you learn techniques to cope with daily challenges in your life.
You can watch all of the workshops on a computer, laptop or your mobile phone. The workshops will take the form of presentations with slides. You only need to watch and listen and no-one will be able to see you.
Booking Information for Bedfordshire
Please complete our self-referral form and specify if you are referring to attend a webinar. You will be contacted by a member of the admin team to complete the registration process. Joining instructions will be sent to you upon receipt of the questionnaires, usually the day before the webinar begins.
You can watch all of the workshops on a computer, laptop or your mobile phone. The workshops will take the form of presentations with slides. You only need to watch and listen and no-one will be able to see you.