Posted: 10 Mar 2021
Category: ICB News

Unpaid carers are now being invited to receive their first COVID-19 vaccination, providing they are either:

▶️ Registered with their GP as a carer

▶️ Eligible for a carer’s allowance

▶️ Receiving support from their local council or carers’ organisation

▶️ Caring for someone clinically vulnerable to COVID-19.

Carers will be contacted in phases, starting with those carers already known to health and social care services.

All eligible unpaid carers will be contacted by the NHS when it’s their turn to receive the vaccine and will be given information about how they should book their appointment. This will either be at a vaccination site in their local community supported by their GP practice, or at a large vaccination centre.

In some cases where caring responsibilities are shared, an additional person can be classed as a primary carer and receive a vaccination.

Every possible effort will be made to vaccinate eligible carers at the same time as the people they care for, such as when they accompany them for a vaccination.

If you are an unpaid carer and you are unsure if you are eligible, contact your local council or local carers organisation and they will advise you if you are able to receive your COVID-19 vaccine.

Vaccines are the way out of this pandemic. By getting vaccinated unpaid carers can help protect themselves from becoming seriously ill from COVID-19, so they can continue to be there for their family, friends, and the people they care for.