BLMK BAME AHP Community VoiceBox (Sep/Oct)
A non-organisation specific, anonymised online event for AHPs who are Black, Asian or from a Minority Ethnicity within Bedford, Luton or Milton Keynes. This even is open to NHS staff, HEI staff, students, social care, private and independent sectors.
Key Purpose and Your Hosts:
An open discussion to share your experiences and ideas on being an ethnic minority AHP and understand the issues affecting us in BLMK.
To create an inclusive culture as a space to hear and validate each other’s experiences.
Use our narrative to work together to direct the next steps and commit to making positive change with support of the AHP Faculty and AHP Council.
Hosted by members of the BLMK AHP Faculty Ethnic Minority Workstream
This event is held on 3 days:
14 September 15:00 – 16:00
22 September 18:30 – 19:30
1 October 15:00 – 16:00
Please click here to select your date and book your place