General Practice Assistant Programme
HEE and Norfolk & Waveney Clinical Commissioning Group are currently discussing a possible General Practice Assistant Programme to commence in 2022 (likely from April onwards). This involves identifying the general interest of uptake for the programme if this were to be offered again in 2022 to General Practices within the East of England.
For more information about the GP Assistant Programme please click here , if you have any questions, please click here to see if they can answered.
The information is to support PCNs and Practices in deciding as to whether their Practice(s) have any individuals within their current workforce or would like to further recruit to grow their workforce by taking part in the programme.
In addition to the information above there is a survey which you are being asked to completed by completion by Monday 6 December 2021, so that it can be shared with Health Education England by the end of November.
To access the survey, please click here.