Adult Social Care Medication Training (Free)

Posted: 14 Mar 2023
Category: General, ICB News

The BLMK ICB Care Home Medicines Optimisation Team are running some medication training sessions for adult social care staff.

All sessions are open to all adult social care staff across BLMK. CBC staff should book through LMS by clicking to register here.  Bedford Borough, Luton & Milton Keynes workforce can simply use the MS Teams link below.  The sessions will consist of background information, case studies and a quiz. Certificates will be issued to attendees who complete the end-of-session quiz and evaluation form.

Date Time Topic MS Teams Link Learning Outcomes
Tuesday 23rd May 2023 14:30 – 15:30 Homely Remedies & Self Care Click here to join the meeting


Meeting ID: 342 297 685 953
Passcode: 9CHBvE

  • To understand what a homely remedy is and the associated benefits
  • How to implement and run a homely remedies scheme within your care home
  • Gain a working knowledge of the BLMK ICB Homely Remedies Toolkit and the process involved when administering a Homely Remedy
  • To understand what ‘Self Care’ is and how this differs from Homely Remedies
  • Gain a working knowledge of the BLMK ICB Self Care Toolkit and the process involved when supporting self-care for residents
Wednesday 12th July 2023 14:30 – 15:30 When Required (PRN) Medication Click here to join the meeting


Meeting ID: 381 643 770 767
Passcode: txihCz

  • To gain a broad working knowledge of ‘when required’ (PRN) medication, including administration, waste reduction, effective documentation, monitoring after use and reviews
  • How to write a ‘gold standard’ PRN protocol that is person-centred and personalised to the individual resident
Tuesday 12th September 2023 14:30 – 15:30 Covert Administration of Medication Click here to join the meeting


Meeting ID: 331 980 828 590
Passcode: Raw6v5

  • To understand what ‘covert’ administration is and the difference between ‘covert’ and ‘overt’ administration
  • To understand the legislative process that is required before covert administration can take place
  • To gain a working knowledge of the BLMK ICB Covert administration guidance and the ‘7 steps’ approach to be followed prior to any covert administration
Wednesday 15th November 2023 14:30 – 15:30 Medicines Reconciliation & Transfers of Care Click here to join the meeting


Meeting ID: 325 633 326 273
Passcode: Y54WVg

  • To understand what ‘Medicines Reconciliation’ is, the process, responsibilities and what this should include
  • To understand how medicines should be checked and process to be followed when a resident moves into a care home
  • To understand how medicines should be transferred when a resident moves from one care setting to another, including discharge from hospital
  • To understand how any changes to medication should be communicated between care home staff
  • To understand the importance and the process of information sharing (including secure sharing) with regards to a resident’s medicines (for example, when attending appointments etc.).
Tuesday 23rd January 2024 14:30 – 15:30 Controlled Drugs Click here to join the meeting

Meeting ID: 397 013 937 132
Passcode: roAg2C

  • To understand what ‘Controlled Drugs’ (CDs) are, the regulations applied to them and an awareness of the different schedules
  • To understand the legal requirements for receipt, storage, administration, record keeping and disposal
  • To gain a sound working knowledge the CD register requirements and be able make a legal entry to the register
  • To understand how to deal with discrepancies, incidents and errors
Wednesday 13th March 2024 14:30 – 15:30 Medication Safety, Governance & Safeguarding Click here to join the meeting


Meeting ID: 382 697 917 36
Passcode: VnSmFQ

  • To gain an understanding of medication safety, including high risk medication, special administration techniques and time-sensitive/critical medication.
  • To gain a foundation knowledge of common medical conditions associated with high risk medication (e.g. epilepsy management and Parkinson’s Disease).
  • To understand safeguarding with regards to medication, as well as how to report medication errors and learn from mistakes.