Becoming an Educator

GP Educators

New GP Educators will need to undertake our Aspiring GP Educator Programme which currently runs each Autumn.

The programme consists of:

  • Completing a course workbook
  • Attending a half day Educational Theory session
  • Attending 1 day in person training for Tier 2a
  • Attending 1.5 days in person training for Tier 2b
  • Attending 2 days in person training for Tier 3
  • Completing an application declaration form

Once the above has been completed satisfactorily, you will usually be accredited.

Aspiring Educator Pathway v3


Reapprovals are now conducted on a declaration basis rather than full application form.

The Training Hub will contact you approximately 3 months in advance of your current approval expiry date to send you the relevant form and start the process of your declaration.

The process for your reapproval will involve the following:

  • Completion and return of the appropriate declaration form below
  • Review of learner feedback
  • Review of Training Programme and / or University feedback
  • Triangulation of information provided with other data sources such as CQC or the GMC
  • Panel review by a minimum of 3 people
  • Recommendation sent to the Primary Care School
  • Outcome confirmed by the Primary Care School
  • Outcome confirmed to the Educator or Practice

The Primary Care School meet monthly to review decisions across the region so this process may take up to a month from the point of us submitting a recommendation.

Educator Self-Declaration Form

Clinical Educators

For a first approval of a Clinical Educator, please contact the Training Hub for the relevant process for the particular profession. The Training Hub offers regular SSSA training for Nursing Supervisors and Assessors.

Upcoming SSSA training sessions can be found here BLMK Primary Medical Care Training & Development (