Learning Organisations

New Approval

For a first approval of a Learning Organisation, single training site or and PCN, please use the relevant form below and send to the Training Hub once completed. Whilst we are still welcoming single Training Practice applications, we are encouraging PCNs (or a collection of practices within a PCN) to apply together to host multi-professional learners across the PCN.

New Learning Organisation Approval Form v1

New PCN Learning Organisation Form (to be used if multiple Practices are already approved)*

*If less than 50% of the practices in the PCN are already approved please use the New Learning Organisation Approval Form.


Reapprovals are now conducted on a declaration basis rather than full application form.

The Training Hub will contact you approximately 3 months in advance of your current approval expiry date to send you the relevant form and start the process of your declaration.

The process for your reapproval will involve the following:

  • Completion and return of the appropriate declaration form below
  • Review of learner feedback
  • Review of Training Programme and / or University feedback
  • Triangulation of information provided with other data sources such as CQC or the GMC
  • Panel review by a minimum of 3 people
  • Recommendation sent to the Primary Care School
  • Outcome confirmed by the Primary Care School
  • Outcome confirmed to the Educator or Practice

The Primary Care School meet monthly to review decisions across the region so this process may take up to a month from the point of us submitting a recommendation.

Learning Organisation Declaration Form

Extending current learner professions

If you are already approved as a learning organisation but want to extend your approval to cover additional learner groups such as Nurses, Paramedics or Physios, please complete this form.

New Learning Organisation Approval Form v1