BLMK Festival of Learning 2024

In February 2024 the BLMK Training Hub hosted the first Primary Care Festival of Learning in Milton Keynes, with fantastic success. Over one hundred primary care professionals came together to share local best practice, generate ideas and hear about what’s working well in other parts of the country. The room was filled with energy and passion for improving Primary Care for our residents and staff. Our keynote speaker Nick Downham shared his thoughts on the key ingredients for integrated neighbourhood working and challenged our thinking on how we manage demand. Throughout the day participants discussed over twenty hot topics ranging from virtual group consultations at scale, to working with the Fire Service, Team Coaching, Sustainability in Healthcare and Workforce Planning. We were fortunate to have the benefit of so much talent, creativity and innovation in one room and we will continue to share all the learning to support our practices, PCNs and journey towards integrated neighbourhood working.

Following the event the Training Hub team pulled together a comprehensive post-event resource pack – take a look to see all the resources that were shared. Festival of Learning Post Event Resource Pack