Guidance on signing the ASC Workforce Learning Charter
This guidance is to provide information on the process for signing the ASC Workforce Learning Charter. Only authorised personnel from within Bedfordshire, Luton & Milton Keynes ASC providers may sign, such as an owner, a registered/operational manager. An ASC provider is :
- Residential Care Homes
- Nursing Care Homes
- Domiciliary Agencies
- Any ASC provider caring for adults such as sheltered housing.
In order to sign the charter, you need to be logged in to the BLMK Work Learn Live website. If you have not registered, then please do so you can then sign the Charter on your profile. At the top of this page (right) you will see the options to register or log in. Once you have completed the registration form, click “submit” to save your details. Please ensure you add the name of your care provider organisation. You then need to log in.
If you have registered and are currently logged out, then please log in, click on the “update profile” button at the top right of the screen. Add your care provider organisation and then scroll down to the bottom of your profile to “charter sign up” and click on the box. Then click on the “update” button.
Once you have signed the Charter on behalf of your organisation, you will then receive a confirmatory email. Validation then takes place, and once approved, you will receive an email to confirm your organisation is a signatory to the Charter.
If you have any issues with this process, please email the BLMK Workforce Development Academy