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Dysphagia resource e-learning programme

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Intended audience group : 2, 3, 4, 5

All health and social care staff, including catering staff


Intended Audience Group
Aims and Objectives

The HEE elfh Dysphagia elearning resource is made up of 6 elearning sessions.

  • Essentials .This session covers all the basic theory and practical aspects of how to help a person with swallowing difficulties (dysphagia).
  • Training and Resources This session is primarily aimed at staff who are in management or training roles within the care home organisation.The Information will help identify the training needs of your staff (nursing, care and catering) and provides links to a range of on line resources including those developed by companies specialising in dysphagia.
  • Food This session will be useful for managers, catering staff, nurses and healthcare assistants, who are all involved in some way in the provision of meals for residents with swallowing difficulties (dysphagia).
  • Quality and Safety This session will be useful for quality managers, care home managers and others who are involved in the development of policies, procedures and monitoring of best practice. It supports the development of a whole systems approach to the care of residents with swallowing difficulties (dysphagia).
  • Workforce This session will be useful for care home managers who have the responsibility for calculating appropriate staffing levels in order to facilitate safe and effective care for residents including those with eating, drinking and swallowing difficulties
  • Dysphagia Assessments:  – two separate elearning – one for healthcare staff and one for catering staff
  • Dysphagia and Medicines:This session will help social care staff and other carers to support people who have challenges with swallowing their medicines. It will include techniques they can employ without onward referral, when and who to refer to and how to safely manage medicines for patients with dysphagia.

The sessions vary in length dependent on the amount of content. It is not intended that learners complete all of the sessions at once.

Everyone should complete Essentials and the relevant sections of Food, and dependent on your job role you may find the other sessions helpful.

Dysphagia assessments have been added for health and care staff, and for catering staff. The assessments aim to enable learners to test their essential dysphagia knowledge and provide evidence of their learning in a learning log.

Bite size information is provided through text, images and videos, so that you can revisit any area to refresh your memory or use it to explain something to a colleague.

The elearning programme can be accessed via smart phones, tablets and laptop or desktop devices. Registration is not required to view the elearning, but it is recommended if you wish  to download a certificate as evidence of completing the elearning.


Bedford Borough, BLMK, Central Bedfordshire, Luton Borough, Milton Keynes,
Frequency / Length
Resource / Organisation
e-Learning for Healthcare (e-LfH) , Manchester University & Centre for Pharmacy Postgraduate Education
Training delivered by:
Cost, Funded or Free
Booking details