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Equality Diversity & Human Rights Level 1

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Intended audience group: 1 and 2

Group 1: Unpaid carers*, paid carers, volunteers, people living with conditions and personal assistants of care when funding may be used from personal health budgets for continuous healthcare.

Group 2: Basic awareness for all front line staff in all health and social care environments, (residential, domiciliary, nursing and community), including volunteers, people living with conditions and personal assistants of care when funding may be used from personal health budgets for continuous healthcare.

Intended Audience Group
EDHR & Unconscious Bias
Aims and Objectives

This e-Learning Lite package has been designed to meet the relevant learning outcomes in the UK Core Skills Training Framework.

The package is made up of 3 elements; a Presentation, a Workbook and an Assessment. The Presentation covers the key points and the Workbook is more in-depth, providing further detail relevant to the subject.

You can choose to do any or all of the 3 elements dependent on your personal preference, learning style and existing knowledge. To complete the package you will need to pass the Assessment.

What you learn in this eLearning Lite package:

  • Explain what we mean by equality, diversity and human rights and why they are important
  • Explain how policies and the law can help us create a more inclusive workplace
  • Explain what we mean by ‘health inequalities’ and how they can be reduced
  • Explain why we need to know about people’s different backgrounds and why it is important not to make assumptions about individuals
  • Describe what you can do to challenge prejudice and discrimination
Bedford Borough, BLMK, Central Bedfordshire, Luton Borough, Milton Keynes,
Frequency / Length
30 minutes
Resource / Organisation
e-Learning for Healthcare (e-LfH)
Training delivered by:
Cost, Funded or Free
Booking details