Healthcare Support Workers’ Conference Past, Present, Future

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BLMK Healthcare Support Workers may be interested in attending the next conference on 9 November.  Healthcare Support Workers Conference 9.11.18 Flyer

For the past 3 years the various healthcare organisations and NHS trusts across Cambridgeshire and Peterborough have come together to celebrate our Healthcare Support Workers.

This year marks the 70th anniversary of the NHS and so, in recognition, the third annual Healthcare Support Workers' Conference is dedicated to the celebration of the past, present and future of healthcare.

At this years event you will hear stories from staff and patients who have provided and received healthcare across a range of settings over the years. You will be supported to increase your resilience and professional skill set within your current healthcare roles. Finally, you will be encouraged to explore opportunities and potential career pathways to support your future careers in healthcare.

The event is free and both clinical and non clinical support staff are welcome to attend. Lunch and refreshments are included! Book your free ticket here  


Cambridgeshire and Peterbrough NHS Trusts


Cherry Hinton Road
Great Shelford, CB22 3AB United Kingdom
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