Care training directory
Challenging Behaviours
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Intended audience group: 1 & all healthcare professionals
Group 1: Unpaid carers*, paid carers, volunteers, people living with conditions and personal assistants of care when funding may be used from personal health budgets for continuous healthcare.
Groups 2, 3, 4, 5: If you are a healthcare professional involved in supporting people with severe learning disabilities and behaviours that challenge, the Challenging Behaviour Foundation can help. See below.
Challenging behaviour is often perceived as a ‘problem’ to be ‘treated’. The problem is seen as being part of the child or adult rather than focusing on what needs to change around the individual, such as their environment or how people support them.
We offer a range of resources offering support and information about challenging behaviour and connected issues.
There are nine links which take you to different sections of our site, offering information and guidance on everything from COVID-19 to rights and the law. These are constantly being developed so it is worth checking back regularly for updates.
- Covid-19
- Positive Behaviour Support
- Person Centred Support
- Early Intervention
- Housing, Education, Leisure
- Health
- Wellbeing of family
- Rights & Law
- When things go wrong
For healthcare professionals there are resources to aid development and access to the Professionals email network and the National Strategy Group.