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Freda’s Fall

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Intended audience group: 2

Front line registered and unregistered staff in all health (NHS, Community and Primary Care) and social care environments, including health improvement personnel, nursing, practitioners, pharmacists, link workers, patient engagement , volunteers and personal assistants of care. All roles or “audience” providing a care provision or working with people, families and communities.

Intended Audience Group
Aims and Objectives

Freda’s Fall is the story of an elderly lady who has a fall at home and is admitted to hospital and subsequently released, with support from a variety of health and care professionals. The story is told through four e-learning sessions, each dealing with a different aspect of the circumstances of the fall.
Day 1 – 2 Events that led to Freda’s Fall
Day 2 Paramedics visit
Day 3 Admission to medical assessment clinic
Day 8 – 12 Fred’a back home. This session follows Freda who is back at home a few days later. We see some of the changes that have been put in place but also some issues that still need to be dealt with. Freda has visits from a reablement worker and a community physiotherapist, and attends an appointment with her GP.

Frequency / Length
Resource / Organisation
e-Learning for Healthcare (e-LfH)
Training delivered by:
Cost, Funded or Free
Booking details