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Health Literacy Online Training Toolkit

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Intended audience group 2

Front line registered and unregistered staff in all health (NHS, Community and Primary Care) and social care environments, including health improvement personnel, nursing, practitioners, pharmacists, link workers, patient engagement , volunteers and personal assistants of care. All providing a care provision or working with people , families and communities..

Intended Audience Group
Health Literacy
Aims and Objectives

Ensuring that individuals and communities can access, understand, appraise and use information and services to make decisions about health is key to health literacy. Improving people’s health literacy will enhance their ability to self-manage their health.

The link to the toolkit will provide you with a list of resources you can download.

Bedford Borough, BLMK, Central Bedfordshire, Luton Borough, Milton Keynes,
Frequency / Length
Not applicable
Resource / Organisation
Health Education England in partnership with PHE, NHS England and Community Health and Learning Foundation
Training delivered by:
Various resources
Cost, Funded or Free