Care training directory
Introduction to Health Literacy
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Intended audience groups 1 and 2
- Group 1: Residents of all ages and culture living within Bedfordshire, Luton or Milton Keynes. This includes people living with conditions, unpaid carers (family, friends), paid carers, volunteers, personal assistants providing care.
- Group 2: Front line registered and unregistered staff in all health (NHS, Community and Primary Care) and social care environments, secondary care including health improvement personnel, nursing, practitioners, pharmacists, link workers, patient engagement , volunteers and personal assistants of care. All care roles or public providing a care provision or working with people, families and communities.
This e-learning resource is pitched educationally as an introduction to health literacy, why it is important and the core techniques that can be used to improve health literacy. It has been developed in partnership by Health Education England (HEE) and NHS Education Scotland (NES) to raise the awareness of health literacy and its impact on health and social care staff. It supports a more blended approach to learning and spreading awareness of health literacy, building on the NES resource in The Health Literacy Place ( and HEE’s health literacy toolkit (
Learning objectives:
This session provides an introduction to health literacy, why it is important and the core techniques that can be used to improve health literacy.
- List the benefits of health literacy to individuals and services
- List health literacy tools and techniques
- Explain how to use health literacy tools and techniques
- Describe the impact of health literacy on people’s health choices
- Create a personal action plan to be health literacy friendly
Last major update: December 2021