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Shared Decision Making Programme: Communicating harm and benefits for Ophthalmology
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Intended audience group 2
Intended Audience Group
Shared Decision Making
Aims and Objectives
This course is part of the overall Shared Decision Making Programme and is designed to help clinicians from this specialty develop skills for communicating effectively with patients about the risks and benefits of treatment options. There are four sessions and by the end of each course, participants will be able to:
- describe why it is important for clinicians to effectively communicate benefits, harms,
trade-offs and uncertainties with patients - explain the inter-relationship between shared decision making, evidence-based medicine
and patient-centred care in the context of communicating benefits and - list key communication skills needed when talking with patients about evidence
- explain how to effectively communicate statistical information to patients
- outline the role of decision support tools, potential uses and where to locate them
Frequency / Length
Resource / Organisation
Originally commissioned by the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care and has been licensed to the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges (AoMRC) as part of Choosing Wisely UK. It has been adapted for the UK by the Winton Centre for Risk and Evidence Communication at the University of Cambridge
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Cost, Funded or Free
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