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Social Care Recording Skills Tool

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Intended audience groups: All

Social care staff, including frontline teams and managers from adult social care teams in local authorities, occupational therapists, reablement teams, registered care and support providers, voluntary organisations and housing providers

Intended Audience Group
Recording & Report Writing
Aims and Objectives

Published August 2021

This resource aims to support social care staff, including service managers, frontline care workers in care homes and home care, personal assistants, and other care providers, to improve recording skills – how you write down what you have seen and done, your analysis of that, and what you plan to do as a result.

It is based on the concept of PARTNERSHIP – that recording should be done, as much as possible, in conjunction with the person you are supporting.

The resource sets out 11 top tips to consider when recording, whether that be daily case notes, or more formal reports or assessments.

There are 3 videos looking at recording from the view of a service user,  carer,  and a professional.

There is also a link below if you wish SCIE to run any bespoke training which is an informative one-day course providing delegates with important input on the principles of and approaches to person-centred recording and care planning in social care.

Bedford Borough, BLMK, Central Bedfordshire, Luton Borough, Milton Keynes,
Frequency / Length
Not applicable/bespoke learning 1 day
Resource / Organisation
Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE)
Training delivered by:
Webpage resources
Cost, Funded or Free
Booking details