Care training directory
Talking about What Matters
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Intended audience group 2
Front line registered and unregistered staff in all health (NHS, Community and Primary Care) and social care environments, including health improvement personnel, nursing, practitioners, pharmacists, link workers, patient engagement, volunteers and personal assistants of care. All providing a care provision or working with people, families and communities..
Intended Audience Group
Shared Decision Making
Aims and Objectives
This course intends to explore in greater depth the interactions between doctors and patients that help create a meaningful outcome to consultations.
The course consists of a series of patient scenarios and is designed to be applicable across primary care and not confined to medical professionals. There are eight sessions:
- Discussing Clinical Management: Insulin Conversion
- Sharing Management Options: Recurrent Tonsillitis
- Living with Chronic Pain: Trigeminal Neuralgia
- Sharing Management Options: Pancreatic Cancer
- Living with a Long-term Mental Health Condition: Bipolar Disorder
- Prioritising Life Goals with a Long-term Mental Health Condition: Bipolar Disorder
- Discussing a Diagnostic Label: Dyspraxia
- Patients Autonomy and Health Management: Genome Mapping
Frequency / Length
Resource / Organisation
HEE West Midlands
Training delivered by:
Cost, Funded or Free
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