Category: ICB News

Keeping Well for all our health & social care workforce

Posted: 21 Dec 2021
Category: ICB News

The BLMK Keeping Well hub has published more information about their hub, a leaflet and po...

Keech Hospice Care Masterclass No. 10 – Where next for hospice care?

Posted: 01 Dec 2021
Category: ICB News

Jonathan Ellis - Director of Policy and Advocacy with Hospice UK. The last two years hav...

General Practice Assistant Programme

Posted: 24 Nov 2021
Category: ICB News

HEE and Norfolk & Waveney Clinical Commissioning Group are currently discussing a poss...

Men and mental health – get talking with Keeping Well (invitation)

Posted: 17 Nov 2021
Category: ICB News

Men and mental health – get talking with Keeping Well Thursday 18 November 2021 9.30a...

Adult social care reform funding

Posted: 01 Nov 2021
Category: ICB News

This week the Chancellor Rishi Sunak presented the Autumn Budget and Spending Review to Pa...

Safeguarding Training for OFSTED

Posted: 21 Oct 2021
Category: ICB News

In-depth 3-hour Safeguarding Awareness workshop session:  Monday 22nd November at 9.30am ...