Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

At the Training Hub, we are dedicated to creating positive learning experiences for those working in general practice throughout Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes and are committed to doing so in an inclusive way.

Recognising the diverse needs of individuals is important to ensure we create more opportunities and continue to offer training and resources for all. As you will see below, we are taking steps to improve access. Your feedback matters to us and helps us to continue to drive change, so we encourage you to give us your feedback so that we can support everyone learning to their full potential.

Asian Professionals National Alliance

Annual Conference and Awards Evening Dinner

13-14th September 2024

Warwick Conferences, University of Warwick, Coventry CV4 7SH

To book your delegate place, please email: apnanhsevents@gmail.com for a booking form.













Diversity in Health care Partners programme -ENEI Masterclasses/ Disabilities info (EDIBSG)

Virtual Masterclasses:

  • Inclusive recruitment and talent management – Tuesday 23 July 11am-1pm
  • Developing strong staff networks – Thursday 30 May 1pm-3pm 

Location: Zoom. Book your place here

Invisible disability: Challenging bias to enable change – Dr Amrita Sen Mukherjee 

Dr Amrita Sen Mukherjee was one of our expert panellists at our Disability Summit 2023. Here you can watch her TEDxWarrington talk on challenging the bias that exists around invisible disabilities.

Disability Pioneers Supergroup

The team at NHS Employers run a Disability Pioneers Supergroup which meet quarterly on MS Teams to talk over everything disability inclusion? If you want to hear from experts, collaborate with likeminded individuals across the health and care sector or share your own expertise, email diversityandinclusion@nhsemployers.org and they can add you to the group.

Shuri Network

How can you support?

– Join the Shuri Network as a member or ally
– Publicise our Network, Fellowships, bursaries, events and podcasts to colleagues
– Collaboration: Host an event, sponsor a programme, connect to Shuri members in your region or organisation, offer mentoring, shadowing opportunities and secondments.

The Network also provide an exciting Digital Fellowship opportunity, read more here.

Leadership and Accountability

Accessing Disability Support

HEE is undertaking work to deliver a toolkit style resource, the ‘Find Your Way Guide’ and has commissioned Diversity and Ability (D&A), to help.

If you’re disabled, neurodiverse, or have a long-term health condition, you may be eligible for additional support as you study and work in healthcare.

For further information and to guide your way through the process, visit the Diversity and Ability website.

Interesting articles/resources:

What is anti-racism, and why is it important in the context of health and care? Jo Vigor sat down with Joy Warmington, Chief Executive of the equalities and human rights charity brap, to find out. Joy explores the importance of forging genuine change beyond target setting and delves into her own journey of leading authentically and having the courage to do things differently.

Joy Warmington on anti-racism and courage | The King’s Fund (kingsfund.org.uk)

Stay and Thrive Podcast series

Explore what it’s like to come from another country and work in the NHS.

The host speaks directly to international nurses, midwifes, Allied Health Professionals, and to managers and team leaders trying to make those transitions as smooth as possible. The series highlights personal stories of challenges and triumphs, as well as offering advice.  Below is a link with further details and links to the podcasts. Stay and Thrive clips – Omny.fm

Additional resources


At Stonewall, we stand for lesbian, gay, bi, trans, queer, questioning and ace (LGBTQ+) people everywhere. We imagine a world where all LGBTQ+ people are free to be themselves and we can live our lives to the full

Visit Stonewall

Visible Leaders Network

The Visible Leaders Network (VLN) is a network for Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) staff leaders and aspiring leaders in Primary and Secondary Care

Visit the VLN
