Think Local Act Personal: Making it Real
Making it Real is relevant to people with care, treatment and support needs, includin...
Personalised Care: Peer Leadership Foundation – Step Two
Intended audience groups: 1 and 2 It is open to everyone but is mainly aimed at people ...
Personalised Care: Peer Leadership Foundation – Step One
Intended audience groups: 1 and 2 This course is open to everyone but is main...
Introduction to Health Literacy
Intended audience groups 1 and 2 Group 1: Residents of all ages and culture living wi...
Health Literacy Online Training Toolkit
Intended audience group 2 Front line registered and unregistered staff in all health (N...
Local action on health inequalities: improving health literacy (Sept 2015)
Intended audience group 2 Front line registered and unregistered staff in all health (N...